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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Today's walk and lock down baking

 It's such a lovely sunny day today - I have three loads of washing on the line .

 Dex and I walk along Brome Avenue most days - He still goes if I am busy or my knee is playing up.

 Today we also walked along one of the footpaths leading off and around a couple of fields.

 We only met a tractor or two - there were loads on the fields today.

 It was quiet and pretty 

 Its amazing that these walks are so close to home.

 Pretty blossom.

In the distance we could see 6 tractors . We walked around 3 miles in about 45 mins - which was good going with my knee.

 Lots of Baking during the 7 weeks (so far) of lock down. Raspberry and white chocolate muffins - an old fav.

 pancakes- Dex cooked some bacon to go with these for our brekki .

 CoConut cake - also made a chocolate cake with Nats and a fruits crumble.

 I made loads of Bread , including a plait and a loaf.
Lemon drizzle cake - already cut so they don't go too mad.
This week ( not photographed ) I made a Strawberry cheesecake and the second batch of Rocy road tray bake .

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Soojay xx

1 comment:

Scrapthology said...

Lovely photos, take care of you and yours. xx