I am shattered. After two weeks off work, it has been really hard to get back into the swing of things. I forgot how far I walked each day and how little I get to sit down. That i only get one coffee a day. Today we were three TA's down and my timetable got changed so many times. At one point, i was supposed to be looking after two different children ( in different parts of the school) and going to a meeting , all in my lunchtime...thankfully it got changed. Needles to say , my family are all walking on eggshells tonight.
I have loads of homework to do over the weekend too( for my NVQ course on Monday). So not much rest :(
Went to Dan's annual review yesterday, it was great, he had met all his targets ( BRILL!) and has had some new ones set. It is a lovely school, just wish it was nearer.
Absolutely no scrapping done since last week. Hopefully i will get some done at Wyverstone next week :) Really looking forward to going.