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Friday, August 02, 2013

Busy busy busy

For the second time this week, even though we are in the middle of a heat wave( 27 last night at 11pm!) , the heavens opened just as I finished pegging out the second load of washing.
An impressive thunder storm but all over now and back to hot and sunny . At least my washing should get dry.

Am I mad?? very likely!! 
Derek and Dan are off to Wales to visit family again for the week next week - what do I do? Yup decorate- this time its Natalie's room. She has the larger, messier of all the rooms. At the moment , because of overgrown gutters a few months ago, there is a damp patch on the ceiling and the walls are a deep purple. She only has a small window , so it looks dark. I have bought very pale lilac ( as she has asked for purple ) and white woodwork . She has a pale purple carpet but as she loves to scrap and make cards (but is VERY messy) , I have bought vinyl flooring,that way i should be able to get any stray double sided tape off - unlike the carpet!!. We are also changing her double divan - to a single metal frame bed so that she will have a bit more room.
The skip arrives later today and hubby leaves on Sunday - then the work will start- feeling tired thinking about it already!

Spent most of yesterday sorting paperwork out: applying for transport to college for both Dan and Meg in Sept. They have had it but as they are both on a new course this year it stopped - good job i rang to check!!
Also spent HOURS on phone trying to find out about Natalie's benefits. Even after all that I still don't know. I DO know at least that they have all the paperwork!! It makes my blood boil, they only give you a certain amount of time to fill it all in and SAY they will keep you informed but don't- I sent it off months ago! At least i know a little of what I am doing on behalf of Natalie - there are thousands of people out there who have to do this themselves and give up :( .

Right enough moaning for one day :) I made these today..

...Strawberry,Orange and Walnut scones ( this is NOT my photograph  but they look just like this) .
Meg and I watched "The Barefoot Contessa" on food tv the other day and she made these - Yummm

Love Soojay xx

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