Watching: new season (finally) of Primeval. Loving it so far. Also : New Grey's ( when I remember) and Silent Witness.
Eating: Ben and Jerry's Fairly Nuts- Discovered this at cinema a few weeks ago and its even better that the praline and cream haagen daz...well as good as :)
Reading: Michael McIntyre - ok readable :)
Listening to : Prince - Thanks Derek a fab Christmas prez, I had forgotten how much i liked to listen to him...Prince that is not Derek!
Going Out: Saw this at the end of the Christmas hols- Can't wait to get it on DVD - Jake is GORG! Film is ok
Doing a first aid refresher course at work - not meant to be as much fun as it was although we were all blinkin freezing as the there was no heating on after hours!!
Starting to panic about Meg leaving school soon . She has no idea what so ever what or where she wants to go next. I will have to get her to look at all the local (local HA!) colleges at the life skills courses.
Right better go do the dishes
Back soon
Love Soojay xxx
It's official - my sister is Rock n Roll xXx
Happy birthday Sooooooo!!!! xxx
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