Wish I was where he is...Australia :) I Love Bill Granger and have two of his cookery books- planning on getting them all eventually. I use his recipes the most. We had raspberry and peach cobbler for desert last night. See Below!!

Its not THAT attractive to look at but boy it tastes like heaven! Best served warm with custard or ice cream. Yummmmm
Well today looks like a wash out. Derek was working anyway and is about to go to bed..the kids ( god knows what time they went to sleep last night!) are all now into holiday mode , where they don't surface till lunchtime are still asleep!!
Its too rainy to do anymore laundry . Looks like I might be making some cards ready for the next lot of Birthdays coming up. Mind you its so dark here :(
I feel like I just want to curl up with a book and wait for the sun to eventually get here.
Missing Nets, who is on holiday up North..hopefully they have SOME sun.
Back later xx